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East Scotland Branch


Macro Moth 10k Squares

The distribution of moths shown on maps on this website and elsewhere is influenced, in some cases strongly, by the variation in recording effort geographically. To record close to the number of species occurring within a 10Km square may take about 1000 attempts and to reach about two-thirds about 100 attempts.

The chart shows for each 10K square in Scotland the number of macro moth species recorded for all dates in the National Macro Moth Recording Scheme database up to December 2016. (Note that for most vice counties this will be for data to the end of 2015.) The different coloured squares show different ranges of species counts as indicated by the chart's key. The squares with white or yellow colours are the target squares.

If a mouse pointer is 'hovered' over the map then the previous year's map is shown. This allows a quick view of the improved coverage and historical records entered that have been achieved over that period.

The next map shows the same information, but only for records since the beginning of the year 2000.


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Butterfly Conservation is a registered charity and non-profit-making company, limited by guarantee.
Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP.
Charity registered in England and Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268).